Join us on Oct 15 for TEDxWashingtonSquare at NYU!

Together with Gretchen Steidle, President and founder of Global Grassroots, Sharon Salzberg, meditation teacher, author and co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society, and Matt Goldman, founder of Blue School and Blue Man Group, we are organizing TEDxWashingtonSquare in NYC on Sat, October 15, 2016, to bring greater awareness to the creative practices, models and essential elements on the cutting edge of change.

Come explore with us the innovative ways in which change is taking place on both the personal and societal levels. We are looking at cutting edge change from the micro-level within the tiniest neurotransmitters, among the behavior of bees, and in the inner lives of prison inmates, to systemic shifts taking place within the legal profession, health care, technology, politics and the fashion industry. We are drawing from a broad range of thinkers, doers and researchers across multiple disciplines, coming from New York and beyond.

Learn more at: #PracticingChange.